Summer Vendors
2025 York Gateway Farmers' Market Vendors
Thank you to our farmers' market sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor
2025 Market Participation Rules
2025 Agricultural Vendor Application
2025 Prepared Food Vendor Application
2025 Local Non-profit Booth Application
2025 Business Promotion Sponsorship Application
A map of the market area is available upon request.
PRESENTING SPONSOR ~ When Pigs Fly | York & Kittery ME | www.sendbread.com Fresh baked bread! 2025 is the 13th year that When Pigs Fly has proudly sponsored the York Gateway Summer Farmers' Market! The farmers' market is very grateful for their support, thank you to all at When Pigs Fly!
2024 Summer Market participants will be listed as they sign up for the season.
Arunshard Pottery | Arundel, ME | arunshardpottery@yahoo.com ~ Wheel thrown, high fired functional stoneware & pottery. Attending
Baby Greens Farm | Rochester, NH | babygreensfarm.com ~ Microgreens - broccoli, bokchoy rainbow mix purple meddley, leeks, sun flower, pea shoots, wasabi mustard, cilantro butter hear lettuce. Attending -
Bizi Mimi Designs | Berwick, ME | reneescmcc@gmail.com ~ Homemade Koozies, Towels, Stuffies, Dish rags, Balsam Fir Bags, Doll Clothes, Pillow Cases. Attending
Black Duck Farm | Lebanon, ME | Sierrahannough@me.com ~ Tomato, cucumber, lettuce, oregano, basil, thyme, dill, chamomile, mint, celery, onion, leek, potato, beets, peas, pumpkin, cantaloupe, watermelon, cut flowers, peach, pear, buluberry, peppers. Attending
Chef's Cove | Eliot, ME | www.facebook.com/pages/category/Caterer/Chefs-Cove-Catering-102053599020/ ~ Bakery items, pies, cookies, pastry, quick breads & coffee. Attending
Dafni Greek Products | Sanford, ME| www.dafnigreekproducts.com ~ EVOO Products Attending -
Elizabeth Miller Jewelry | Kittery Point, ME| www.elizabethmillerjewelry.com ~ Fresh modern jewelry designs rooted in nature, handcrafted in sterling silver and gold.
Flower Essence Soaps by Susan | York, ME| floweressencesoapsbysusan@gmail.com ~ Body and Hair Soaps infused with Flower Essence. Attending
Ferment Farm | Springvale, ME | www.fermentfarm.com ~ Sweet Cider, Apple Cider Caramels, pesto, baked goods, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, basil, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, zucchini, carrots, beets, radishes, melons, peas, dried decorative gourds. Attending
Front Yard Flowers | Wells, ME | www.FYFlowers.com ~ Cut Flowers. T-Shirts with business logo. Attending -
He Be G-Bees | Northwood, NH | www.hebeg-bees.com ~ Non-CBD items and THC free CBD pain reliever, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, salve, aromatherapy rolls, face cream, lip balm, insect repellent, sunscreen, after sun spray, flea & tic spray, hand sanitizer, house sanitizer, Chewelry - chewable jewelry, heat pads, beeswax candles, soap, mask spray. Attending
Hickory Nut Farm | Lee, NH | hickorynutfarm.com~ Goat milk cheese, fudge and waddle syrup and soap. Attending
Janie Bell Mosaics | York, ME | janiebellmosaics@gmail.com~ Handcrafted Mosaics trivets, coasters, garden pots, candle holders , vases, jewelry dishes tables, trays. Attending
JR Smokehouse | Dover, NH | jrsmokehouse@icloud.com~ Beef brisket, turkey jerky and chicken breast Dog Treats.
Karimah's Kitchen Lebanese Cuisine | Exeter, NH | www.karimahs'skitchen.com ~ Packaged prepared authentic Middle-Eastern/Lebanese food made with all natural local ingredients out of our kitchen in Kensington, NH. Spreads, salads, pita bread, baked goods, vegan meals, pita chips, Lebanese dips. Attending
KJC DESIGNS KJC Designs | Webster, NY | jvarney1460@gmail.com ~ Jewelry- semi precious stones, antique glass, pewter, brass - earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets. Attending -
KMN Creativity - New England | Exeter, NH | kmncreativityne.com ~ Children's books, t-shirts, cards, pillows. Attending -
Lucky ME Photography | Buxton, ME | luckymeclovers@gmail.com ~ Photographs in various sizes including greeting cards and 4 leaf clover keychains. Attending -
Mainely Sourdough | Springvale, ME | www.hotplate.com/mainelysourdough ~ Sourdough bread and sourdough based baked goods; cookies, scones, sweet breads, fuffins, pizza dough Attending
Mainiac Dyes | Wells, ME | mainiacdyes@gmail.com ~ Tie Dye items.
Mushroom Hut | North Berwick, ME | nicholas.doucette83@gmail.com ~ Fresh Mushrooms, Fresh Herbs, berries, mushroom related crafts Attending
Nest Handmade | Eliot, ME | www.nest-handmade.com ~ Bentwood boxes, baskets, trays, original block prints, kraut tampers & rolling pins, knit dishclothes, scrubbers, bees wax candles, seed packets, embroidered bookmarks, ornaments, wood buttons. Attending
Nono's Kitchen | Wells, ME | nonos.kitchen19@gmail.com ~Vegan, Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly baked goods, cookies, brownies, whoopie pies, etc. (various flavors) Attending -
Ophelia's Bake Shop | Barrington, NH | woodsygurl@gmail.com ~Cupcakes, Brownies, Cookies
Peace House Studio | Bath, ME | www.peacehousestudio.com ~Childrens joggers, sweatshirts, shorts, tank top.
Pies & Pickles | (on FB aka Something Different Baking) | North Berwick, ME |Pie reservations recommended at sdbaking@gmail.com | ~ Crumble top fruit pies, warm from the oven; those little cakes with a lot of frosting; cookies; brownies; bars; & whoopie pies. Pickles and jam - local produce used. Attending
Pork Beach Sauce Company | Cape Neddick, ME | www.porkbeachsaucecompany.com ~16 BBQ sauces - apple, blueberry, caribbean heat, brandied plum, coconut lime, cranberry, honey mustard, island rum, jazzy peppers, pineapple, mango, pomegranate, sesame orange, tequila lime and more. 3 Dry Rubs - No Mis-steak, Butt Rub, Fiesta Mix. T-shirts with Pork Beach Sauce Logo, bacon presses and meat claws. Attending -
Spiller Farm | Wells, ME | www.spillerfarm.com | ~ Fresh vegetables, featuring their own early corn on the cob. Attending -
Stitches By Sarah | York, ME | https://linktr.ee/srd18 ~Crochet plushies, axolotis, bees, lobsters, dinosaurs, octopi, trtles, manta rays, frogs, pumpkins and crochet accessories, bandanas, tote bags, hanging succulents/flowers, bouquets, chapstick holders, coasters, ornaments. A full collection of the products I sell can be found under the catalog tab of my website. Attending -
Three Sisters Farm | South Berwick, ME | https://www.facebook.com/p/Three-Sisters-Farm-100064529959584/ | ~ Sweet corn, lettuce tomatoes, broccoli, cukes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, peas, bok choy, onions, green beans, carrots, cabbage, kale, basil, flowers and pumpkins in the fall. Attending -
Wellness by Design | Sanford, ME | pattifrohloff@gmail.com ~Aromatherapy Bracelets, Earrings, Pouches to hold bottles of oils and blends. Some aromatherapy sets of jewelry include seaglass pieces. Attending -
Willow & Bough | Manchester, NH | mblanchard6808@gmail.com ~Succulents & dried floral arrangements. Attending -
York Land Trust | York, ME | www.yorklandtrust.org Non-profit providing information. Attending -
York Town Farm | York Beach, ME | yorktownfarmer@icloud.com ~Fresh seasonal vegetables (organic). Original handcrafts. Attending -
Zach's Farm | York, ME | www.zachsfarm.com ~ Fresh non GMO sweet corn, tomatoes, greens, beans peppers, melons, watermelon, asparsagus, peas, onions, gourds, root crops, micro greens, head lettuce, cut flowers.
Check back frequently to see who is added.